This policy is written for BestVPNdeals.com to state compliance with the industry regulations. This policy only covers liabilities for BestVPNdeals.com and not for any other product or services mentioned on the website. All opinions on the website are originally written which are unbiased and compiled after thorough research.
We are not directly or indirectly involved in personal information trading, in fact, users’ email addresses and other information is archived behind secured network.
We require users’ personal information for the following reasons:
We are not responsible for any damage if you click on any of the external links given on the website; however, if any user feels that a data security violation has occurred, they may contact us with all the details.
We only take responsibility for the data which is provided to us, while not responsible for data collected by affiliates. Our content has external links redirecting users to other websites for which we have no control over, neither are we responsible for the changes in their data nor their policies or any other practices.
Also, our team can edit users’ comments in order to make them up to the mark of our editorial standards.
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We use tools that use cookies to know what’s best for our users, however, we don’t allow any other third party to track our users via any means. The information can only rotate within the workstations of BestVPNdeals.com in order to improve user experience.
BestVPNdeals.com uses Adwords and Google Analytics in order to identify users as they visit our website. These tools access your cookies to fetch the information needed. Google Analytics fetches the user’s IP address at the time they visit the website and places a permanent cookie in your browser so as to give you an identity of a unique user for later use. The reasons for identifying users as they land on the website include:
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Whenever we review a VPN, we try to make it as comprehensive, easy to understand and true as possible. For that, we actually buy the VPNs we review, so that all the reviews are based on true observations and tests.
We analyze all the key elements, pros, and cons of the VPN that we are reviewing.
What makes a VPN unique or what special features the VPN has to offer and whether the said features actually work or not.
We try to make the reviews completely honest and detailed so that our readers can easily judge the VPN service, whether it is worth it or not.
We hope that after getting to know our in-depth review process, you can understand that our reviews are based on honesty and hopefully they are informative enough to guide you in choosing the best and the most suitable VPN services for yourself.
Like any other reputed platform, we have stern rules of following ethics while commenting on our website. We discourage the use of vulgar or abusive language. Moreover, actions are also likely to be taken against spamming or any type of drug advertisement. We will remove any comments that violate these rules or trespass the limits of netiquettes.
Our policies will be updated periodically to comply with the latest regulations. Therefore, users must check the policies back and forth to stay updated.
We write recommendations and reviews based on our testing results. In exchange for our reviews, we gain our commission from the VPN providers. However, we don’t take any surplus amount from the users visiting our website or landing onto VPN providers’ websites through our links. Our partners are as follows:
Private Internet Access (PIA)
FastestVPN and more.