Quentin Tarantino, the acclaimed director of Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, has revealed that he has no intention of watching the recent Dune remakes, starring Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya. In a recent podcast appearance, Tarantino expressed his disinterest in the new films, citing his lack of enthusiasm for the story and its overuse of the word “spice”.
“I’ve seen [David Lynch’s] Dune a couple of times,” Tarantino said. “I don’t need to see that story again. I don’t need to see spice worms. I don’t need to see a movie that says the word ‘Spice’ so dramatically.”
Tarantino also criticized the trend of remaking classic films, stating that he’s grown tired of seeing the same stories retold. “It’s one after another of this remake, and that remake,” he said. “People ask ‘have you seen Dune?’ ‘Have you seen Ripley?’ ‘Have you seen Shogun?’ And I’m like ‘no, no, no, no.’ There’s six or seven Ripley books, if you do one again, why are you doing the same one that they’ve done twice already?”
The director also expressed his disinterest in seeing the same story retold again, stating that he’s already seen it twice before and didn’t enjoy it either time. “If you did another story, that would be interesting enough to give it a shot anyway,” he said.
The recent Dune remakes, directed by Denis Villeneuve, have received widespread critical acclaim and have been a commercial success. The sequel, Dune: Part Two, was released earlier this year and has been praised for its stunning visuals and engaging storyline.
Despite Tarantino’s lack of interest in the new films, Villeneuve has expressed his enthusiasm for making a third Dune film, based on the second book in the series, Dune Messiah.